

法正法衣店是位于京都的法衣店。从禅宗僧侣的正式套装法衣到入门前人士的劳作服等 … 经营广泛。


About Housho vestment store

 We at Housho are a vestment store located in Kyoto.

We specialize in a wide variety of items, from official vestments for Buddhist monks to working clothing for people who have yet to join.
Furthermore, thanks to our location near many of the city’s famous tourist spots, customers may also enjoy the history and culture of local Kyoto.


法正法衣店主要是订做销售黄檗宗的法衣及袈裟。 黄檗宗即日本的三禅宗的一个宗派,



About products

 Here at the Housho vestment store, we mainly trade in order made vestment  and  Kesa of the Obaku school.

The Obaku school of Buddhism was founded by the famous monk Ingen Ryuki back in the Ming Dynasty,and has been inherited and descended among the generations up until now, without alteration.
The vestment of this school is renowned for being closest to those of the temples in China and Taiwan.
We strive to keep the vestments and Kesa at our store as close to traditional Chinese style as possible,but we also take special orders for those that may have a coloring scheme, measurements, or form altered to better resemble modern Chinese style.
左: 真金条纹二十五条绯红色袈裟
中: 麻或丝绸的袈裟和外衣
右: 白色条纹十三条袈裟
Left: Golden-threaded 25-striped Kesa of scarlet.
Middle: Hemp/silk Kesa and clothing.
Right: White-threaded 13-striped Kesa.
View product page


我们也接受来自海外顾客的咨询。 关于海外发送因为目前处于筹备当中所以还不能办理。
您可以在来京都的时候亲自光临本店挑选商品及购买。 附近还有银阁寺等市内的有名的旅游胜地,可在观光之余惠顾。


*到金阁寺、银阁寺、清水寺、平安神宫,三千院等京都的主要世界级遗产旅游胜地驾车需要5~20分钟左右。 欢迎您观光之时惠顾。

How to Purchase

 We are currently taking inquiries from overseas customers. Do note that as we are still doing the preparations for overseas shipping, such service is still unavailable.

Customers visiting Kyoto are absolutely welcome to stop by our store to see and purchase our products.

As we have a location near famous tourist attractions such as Ginkaku-ji,please visit us if you are sightseeing nearby as well.
* As most of our products are individually made to order, customers randomly visiting our store will only be able to purchase those already completed and in stock.

For a smoother experience, please do notify us with an email beforehand.
* We also offer consultation to customers not only in Kyoto, but all of Japan as well. Please do not hesitate to send us your questions.


* We are about 20 minutes by taxi from Kyoto Station.
* We are about 5 to 20 minutes by car away from World Heritage sites such as Kinkaku-ji, Ginkaku-ji, Kiyomizu-dera, Heian Shrine and Sanzen-in. Please do visit if you happen to be nearby.
* We are within an hour of Manpuku-ji and Byoudou-in.

咨询 / Contact


*It may take up to 3 days for us to be able to answer your inquiries. We ask for your understanding.
*Please send any inquiries not in Japanese to us through email only.